《艾特熊和赛娜鼠2:吉波利塔之旅》:潘多拉星球的全新冒险 - 爱视影院


来源:baidu.com人气:693更新:2024-09-05 17:55:26

     还行!(当时就觉得这画风跟之前的TV版还有其它剧场版差很多,而今熟悉了细田守,恍然发觉看的他的第一部导演作品竟然是这片子.     有意思.     )12.0亿日元.     —— 终于为了细田守来重看这部《艾特熊和赛娜鼠2:吉波利塔之旅》:和两部《艾特熊和赛娜鼠2:吉波利塔之旅》一样,细田守监督后就融入了蛮多个人风格,前半个小时好夏日好欢乐好喜欢(序幕里蔚蓝无比的天空海洋看得我的心情都跟着阳光明媚起来),不过后面的剧情走向就愈发阴暗了,最后的高潮战斗甚至有点恐怖片的感觉.     重温重拾记忆增加好感让我都有点点冲动想找时间重看下其它剧场版了.     -19.06.16人是奇怪的生物,有时因为别人而感到耻辱,有时又因为自己的理直气壮而忽略别人认为的耻辱.     换句话说道德底线在于别人眼里,又在自己心里,不要过于在乎他人,但也不能过于自我.     看到有人说原著是个莫名其妙的书,其实这些年的诺贝尔文学奖,除了白色城堡其他的多多少少有些晦涩,啃不下去就莫名其妙了The new film, “A Trip to Gibberitia” (“Le Voyage en Charabie”), is an original story from Guillaume Mautalent and Sebastien Oursel, though it is still based on the IP and characters of the original books. It’s described as a new adventure that takes Ernest and Celestine back to Ernest’s country, Gibberitia, to fix his broken violin. This exotic land is home to the best musicians on earth and music constantly fills the air with joy. However, upon arriving, our two heroes discover that all forms of music have been banned there for many years – and for them, a life without music is unthinkable. Along with their friends and a mysterious masked outlaw, Ernest and Celestine must try their best to bring music and happiness back to the land of bears..

